PacBSD - A lightweight and flexible BSD distribution that provides a base system for use of pacman package manager.Arch Linux ARM - A distribution of Linux for ARM computers.Arch Linux 32 - The community maintained continuation of 32-bit support for Arch Linux.Linux distributions strongly inspired by Arch Linux. Arch is installed as a minimal base system, configured by the user upon which their own ideal environment is assembled by installing only what is required or desired for their unique purposes. Development focuses on simplicity, minimalism, and code elegance. BlackArch Linux is an Arch Linux-based penetration testing distribution targeted at penetration testers, ethical hackers, and security researchers.Arch Linux is an independently developed, x86-64 general purpose GNU/Linux distribution versatile enough to suit any role. This is BlackArch Linux's first ISO release for the year 2020 and all the system packages are up to date. Existing users need only to update their installation without downloading the new ISOs. Of course, all the in-house built BlackArch tools and packages have been updated as well in this new ISO release, including their configuration files, and all the menus of the supported window managers, including Awesome, Fluxbox, and Openbox.īlackArch Linux 2020.01.01 is available to download right now from the official website as live and NetInstall ISO images, as well as OVA images for those who want to run the operating system on QEMU, VirtualBox, or VMWare virtual machines. In addition to the updated components and changes mentioned above, the BlackArch Linux 2020.01.01 release fixes the annoying "cannot open tools via menu." bug reported by many users, fixes all packages (runtime exec), and addresses various other minor issues from previous releases. Packed with more than 120 new penetration testing and ethical hacking tools, the BlackArch Linux 2020.01.01 release is powered by Linux kernel 5.4.6 and features an updated installer that incorporates numerous improvements and bug fixes for better hardware detection and support.īlackArch Linux 2020.01.01 also adds Terminus font support to the LXDM display manager, updates the configuration file of the urxvt terminal emulator to add the ability to change the size on the fly, and replaces pathogen with Vundle.vim, and also adds a new Vim plugin called clang_complete.

BlackArch Linux developers announced today the release of new ISOs and OVA image for their penetration testing and ethical hacking operating system with new tools and many improvements.